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MQTT Chuck

MQTT Chuck can be used to inspects all the outgoing or incoming packets for an underlying Courier MQTT connection. It intercepts all the packets, persisting them and providing a UI for accessing all the MQTT packets sent or received. It also provides multiple other features like search, share, and clear data.

Android MQTT Chuck

Uses the native Android Notification and launchable Activity Intent from the notification banner. You need to pass enableMQTTChuck flag as true to CourierConfiguration when initializing CourierClient instance. Make sure you also request permission notification and it is granted by the user.

iOS MQTT Chuck

Uses embedded flutter host native view, it uses SwiftUI under the hood and require minimum version of iOS 15. You can simply import MQTTChuckView and use it in your Flutter App.

import 'package:courier_dart_sdk/chuck/mqtt_chuck_view.dart';

MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => const MQTTChuckView()),